Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V17.0.8.0 Released.

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) is a driver removal tool that can help you completely remove AMD (ATI), NVIDIA and Intel graphics drivers.
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Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V17.0.8.0 Released.

Post by Wagnard »

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V17.0.8.0 Released.

-Windows XP up to Windows 10 Fall Creator update 1709 (16299.xx) (anything higher is at your own risk)
-Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 or higher


-Additional AMD and NVIDIA CleanUp.
-Translation update: Korean.xml
-Small log fix.

Known issues:

SHA1: 34FFED1619B72BA467AB2758CFEBB1A24CEE6798

Recommended usage:
-You should disconnect your internet or block Windows Updates.
-DDU should be used when having a problem uninstalling / installing a driver or when switching GPU brand.
-DDU should not be used every time you install a new driver unless you know what you are doing.
-The tool can be used in Normal mode but for absolute stability when using DDU, Safemode is always the best.
-If you are using DDU in normal mode, Clean, reboot, clean again, reboot.
-Make a backup or a system restore (but it should normally be pretty safe).
-It is best to exclude the DDU folder completely from any security software to avoid issues.

Note: If you have issues for downloading the file, it could be one of your extension interfering with our hotlink protection.

Official Download Here
If you wish to help DDU, you can make a Donation.

Here is an interesting application from 1 of my partner. It is a useful tool that may help you update outdated drivers.
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